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July 12, 2008

GSSA Spy School Level One - The Power of Observation

Powers of observation are probably the most important skill a spy can develop. Being observant is essential to a spy’s work, and can even save your life. You need to be able to notice everything,
including little details that seem unimportant. A good way to practice is to observe a scene, and then test your memory. Study the above picture for one minute, to see how many details you can find, and then answer the questions below....

  1. How many pumpkins are in the picture?
  2. The scarecrow is standing on the left or the right of the picture?
  3. In the picture there is also: a squirrel, an automobile, or an American flag?
  4. The rooster in the picture is facing left or right?
  5. The cart that this scene is posed on is: brown, green, or black?

Now check your answers!
Answers: neerG .5 tfeL .4 galf naciremA na .3 thgiR .2 owT .1

How did you do?
5 correct - You are a top agent in observation!
3 to 4 correct - You did well, but you could probably brush up on your observation skills!
1 to 2 correct - Back to Spy School for you!

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