Powers of observation are probably the most important skill a spy can develop. Being observant is essential to a spy’s work, and can even save your life. You need to be able to notice everything,
including little details that seem unimportant. A good way to practice is to observe a scene, and then test your memory. Study the above picture for one minute, to see how many details you can find, and then answer the questions below....
3 to 4 correct - You did well, but you could probably brush up on your observation skills!
1 to 2 correct - Back to Spy School for you!
- How many pumpkins are in the picture?
- The scarecrow is standing on the left or the right of the picture?
- In the picture there is also: a squirrel, an automobile, or an American flag?
- The rooster in the picture is facing left or right?
- The cart that this scene is posed on is: brown, green, or black?
Now check your answers!
Answers: neerG .5 tfeL .4 galf naciremA na .3 thgiR .2 owT .1
How did you do?
5 correct - You are a top agent in observation!3 to 4 correct - You did well, but you could probably brush up on your observation skills!
1 to 2 correct - Back to Spy School for you!
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