One easy way spies can disguise a message is to write it so it’s readable only when held up to a mirror. Mirror writing is hard to read. This makes it useful for writing secret codes. See if you can read the above message, then hold up a mirror and read the reflection.
Mirror image writing is not a great way to hide top secret information, as it’s fairly easy to decipher. But it’s a good method in a pinch—and especially useful when the words are actually code words for something else. That way, if the wrong person finds the message and deciphers it, they still will not know what it means.
Write your message backward, from left to right. You have to write the word backwards AND you have to write each letter backwards in order for it to look perfect when held up to a mirror.
For example, the letters O and V look the same when viewed in a mirror or on paper, but letters like R, L, K, and S have to be written backward.
For example, the letters O and V look the same when viewed in a mirror or on paper, but letters like R, L, K, and S have to be written backward.
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